Oklahoma’s Promise provides tuition scholarships for Oklahoma students who study and work hard, stay out of trouble, and meet certain family income requirements. If your students dream of going to college and work to achieve it, then Oklahoma can help make it a reality! It's Oklahoma's Promise.
The Oklahoma’s Promise application deadline for the current school year is Friday, June 30, 2023. This is the last chance for current 11th graders to apply. To qualify, students must be Oklahoma residents who are enrolled in the eighth, ninth, 10th or 11th grade at an Oklahoma high school (homeschool students must be age 13, 14, 15 or 16). Applicants must be students whose parents’ federal adjusted gross income does not exceed $60,000 with one or two dependent children; or $70,000 with three or four dependent children; or $80,000 with five or more dependent children. Learn more at OKpromise.org.

April 27, 2023